Do You really Need the Fujifilm X100V?

Carry a better Camera

Thoughts on the Fujifilm X100V

Are you curious about the Fujifilm X100V and its capabilities for personal photography?

In this week’s podcast episode, "Do You Need the Fujifilm X100V?", I explore the camera's features and compare them to other popular models from Sony and Leica. As a professional photographer, I was blown away by Fujifilm's renowned color reproduction technology, and I believe it sets the X100V apart from the competition.

But does its convenience and compact size come at the cost of image quality?

You'll have to watch the video or listen in to find out!

Join me on this journey to discover if the Fujifilm X100V is a valuable addition to your photography gear.

Video Summary

As a photographer, I've had a long and winding journey with cameras. In this post, I want to share my experience with the Fujifilm X100V and why I stopped using it.

Falling in Love with Fujifilm

I started with the Fujifilm X-T3, which I loved for its lenses, colors, and shooting experience. However, the autofocus just didn't cut it for me, so I took a break and tried out a fling with Canon.

But then, I found myself drawn back to Fujifilm, specifically the X100V. At first, I was hesitant to commit due to the 35mm lens, but after taking the plunge, I found it to be an incredible camera for personal use. It was portable, fun, and had beautiful colors. I was head over heels.

Moving On

But alas, all good things must come to an end. I eventually switched to the Fujifilm X-H2s, which I found to have better colors and a more professional body, making it suitable for work. It was a tough breakup, but I knew it was time to move on.

The Search for Perfection

I then embarked on a journey to find the perfect camera. I tried out different options, from the Sony RX1 to the Leica Q and Q2, but none of them were quite right. Each camera had its flaws and limitations, just like any relationship.

Just when I thought all hope was lost, I found a new love interest - the GFX 50s with a manual lens. It was different, unique, and produced outstanding files and colors. It was love at first sight.

The Perfect Camera Doesn't Exist

But in the end, I realized that the perfect camera doesn't exist. Each camera has its flaws and limitations, and it's all about finding the right fit for you and your needs. The X100V is still an amazing camera that captures the appeal of film and the convenience of a portable camera. It just wasn't the right fit for my professional needs.

Keep Exploring

So, I encourage fellow photographers to stay curious and try out different cameras to find what works best for their style. And who knows, you might just find the perfect camera for you. As for me, I'm still on the hunt for my next great love - but for now, I'm happy to have had the experience with the X100V and all its quirks and charms.

As photographers, it's all about finding the right tool for the job and staying open to new experiences and possibilities. So, keep exploring, keep shooting, and don't be afraid to fall in love with a new camera.


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